
Clarence Williams, MBA, PMP®, RTE®, SPC®

Business & Marketing Strategy
"The Name Of The Game Is Delivering Value and helping CEOs & Business Owners Deliver Value To The Market"
Executive Coaching & Business Strategy
  • CEO Advisory Groups & Roundtables
  • Vision & Strategy Development
  • Financial Analysis
  • Process Improvement
  • Organizational Development
Agile & Organizational Transformations
  • Creating a Guiding Coalition of Leaders
  • Agile Coaching For All Roles
  • Agile Assessments & Training
  • Road Map Development & Execution
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • OKRs Development
  • Agile Planning, Execution & Best Practices
  • From Waterfall to Agile
  • Project to Product 
Marketing Strategy & Execution
  • Fractional CMO Services
  • Marketing Plan & Road Map Development
  • Applying an Agile Approach to Local Marketing
  • Services for Small Business. Targeting companies
  • generating 1M - 200M in Revenue
  • Branding & Marketing services for professional
  • Coaches, Consultants, and Advisors.

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Core Services
  • Strategy development: I help clients develop a comprehensive and effective business strategy that aligns with their goals and objectives. Engagements involve market analysis, competitor research, and identifying opportunities for growth and improvement.
  • Financial analysis: I assist clients in assessing their financial performance, identifying potential areas of improvement, and developing financial projections for future growth. This includes analyzing revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability.
  • Process improvement & Agile Implementations: Using an agile approach, best practices, methodologies and frameworks, I facilitate agile assessments for key leadership, management, and teams to help clients streamline their processes and operations; improving delivery of value, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. This may involve analyzing workflows, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing new systems and procedures.
  • Organizational Development & Transformations: I have an innovative way of working with clients to improve their organizational structure, culture, and leadership. This may include developing training programs, coaching executives, and implementing change management strategies.
  • Marketing Strategy & Sales Coaching: I provide clients with marketing strategy, tools, systems and resources to develop and execute marketing and sales strategies; leading to increased revenue and attracting new customers. This may involve conducting market research, developing marketing campaigns, and identifying sales opportunities.  The core areas of focus includes reputation, social media, funnel automation and paid advertising strategies.

Consultation Request

Founder of the following brands...
Agility Engineers
Find a Business Pro!
Expert Maker Media
Yellow Jacket
Georgia Tech | Sheller College of Business
Florida State University
The names and logos of third party products and companies shown on this website and used in the materials are the property of their respective owners and may also be trademarks.